Citation - Boston Gazette: 1780.05.29

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Index Entry As fairy forms the elfin airy train [fl] 
Location Boston 
29 May 1780:11,12 (1344)
As fairy forms the elfin airy train,
And sylphs sometimes molest the learned brain:
D[  ]usive dreams the matron's bosom swell,
And ancient maids the fancied vision tell; 
. . . [12 lines]
[continuation of above]
As gentle slumbers danc'd before my eyes,
And golden dreams in quick succession rise,
. . . [1 3/5ths cols.]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1780.05.29 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, and Sons 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0006767
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